One Day Model

YouTubers Zac and Jay are two Englishmen that have gained fame by sneaking into places where they should not be, such as BAFTA’s and large marketing ceremonies. In their most watched video however, they try something different: gaining access to one of Britain’s top fashion events by making their friend dress as a fake model for one day. While the fact that their plan works can be enough to show how ridiculous the fashion industry’s culture is, by getting a random stranger into one of the most prestigious events in Britain with over-the-top clothing they highlight the hypocrisy in the fashion world.

The world of fashion, as it is shown in the television and magazines, is a strange world. While it is commonly known that some models are paid extreme sums of money for wearing special designer-brand clothing, one question is always asked by those outside of this world: what makes a piece of clothing good enough to deserve such attention and praise? High elite, such as fashion critics, claim that many factors come into play, such as style, creativity and quality; but none of it seems to matter enough. As they say in their video, the fashion world is “a world, where wearing a paddling pool, a human backpack or [a tent] is considered cool.” Their plan takes advantage of this and shows how there is no factor to be considered when it comes to taking the grand stage: drawing attention is all you need to succeed in the fashion world.

As usual, you can find their videos on YouTube:

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