Adını Feriha Koydum


Do you believe that tv programme can reinforce social class? In my opinion , it is absolutely possible in the Turkey. I want  to give example of “Adını Feriha Koydum”, published in 2011. It is a Turkish drama tv series that has two contradiction family. One of them has presented upper class and second one has presented lower class family. However, these two families’ children fall in love with each other.Beside this, while upper class family (Emir’s) has many miscommunication, other family (Feriha’s) is living together depends on their traditions. Emir’s parents are divorced and Feriha’s parents show us that typical Turkish tradition family. Since when there is a problem between father and daughter, the mother is trying to find optional way to compromise.

In addition to these, we can see that there is a contradiction and misunderstand to emphasize the family type in the Turkey.There is no stereotype family in the Tv series although there are almost 80% stereotype  (normal standard) family in our country. To return back to analyze this series, although Emir’s family are rich , they are unhappy. Yet, Feriha’s family always eat their meal together and share their everything what they have. If we analyze  these two family’s effects on Turkish society, many stage of our society can interpret wrong. Yes maybe you have money  but you are not happy but we do not have money like Emir’s family, we depend on our traditions and family relationship.

To conclude, according to my beliefs these kinds of tv series reinforce to separate social class in the Turkey. Also, it is not good to our society because many family can imitate these kinds of family (Emir’s) and they can not balance their relationship with each other. Therefore, Tv programmes and series can reflect the actual real life not fictive life.

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